The Tuesday Ladies Bible Study has had quite a history.  Originally it was begun by Elder Joe Specht at the request of Pastor Justin Hunter as a mid-week Bible study for retired and/or older adults to come together for coffee, cake and study.  This group eventually encompassed all ages and continued for a little over three years with various members coming and going.  It consisted of both men and women and usually there were around 10 to 12 people present.  We all remember the week that one young lady said, "I want to be saved.  Can you explain to me what I need to do?"  God really worked in this group.

But as with all things, time changed the makeup of the study.  Eventually there were only women attending.  The elders thought at this point it should turn into a ladies Bible study and Mrs. Kathy Specht agreed to be the leader.

During the five years under her leadership the group has studied the books of Ruth, Esther, Daniel, Mark, Acts, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, I & II Thessalonians, I Timothy and has just begun II Timothy.  The study also looked at the topics of the Seven Churches of Revelation and The Fruit of the Spirit.  Much of our time on Tuesday morning is given to prayer.  Prayer is so important and we recognize our need to spend time before God's throne.

Because of the weather in Philadelphia and the desire that no one be injured on an icy sidewalk trying to get to the study, the group meets from March to November taking the winter off.  Last year they ended the season with a tea and plan to do so again this year.  Earlier this year a dietician came to visit with healthy eating tips.  (See the picture above from her visit.)

We pray that with the Lord's help and leading that this study lasts a very long time and that more ladies would attend.  Please pray with us to that end and for the spiritual growth of our ladies.

The Ladies Bible Study meets at the church each Tuesday 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


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